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- Нуклекс для здоров'я наших захисників14.11.2024
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Sorbex Toxins Removal Expert: individual approach to any poisoning! Sorbex (medication) - granulated activated charcoal, is a potent sorbent, effective for chronic poisoning of different etiologies, when exposed to adverse environmental conditions, during functional and infectious diseases of gastro-intestinal tract, diseases involving endogenous intoxication. |
Sorbex DUO Sorbex Duo (dietary supplement) combination of sorbent (granulated activated charcoal) and hepatoprotector (silimarin), provides a complex clearance of the body of toxins, protects and restores liver functions after a poisoning. |
Sorbex ultra Sorbex Ultra (dietary supplement) highly powdered activated charcoal, potent sorbent showing extra-quick action, effective for acute poisoning of various origin. |