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Официальная информация
Medicinal products manufacturing Site of "Valartin Pharma" was certified for compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
The Medicinal products manufacturing site of VALARTIN PHARMA LLC (Chayky Village, Kyevo-Sviatoshynsky District, Kyiv Region) was certified for GMP compliance by State Administration of Ukraine on Medicinal Products (Certificate of GMP compliance №009 / 2016 / SAUMP / GMP) on 01.07.2015, as a result of an inspection.
According to the issued document, the quality assurance system, facilities and medicines production equipment of Valartin Pharma, LLC meets GMP requirements adopted in Ukraine by Ministry of Health Guidelines ST-N 42-4.0: 2014 Drugs. Good Manufacturing Practice "(name of regulation document). These Guidelines meet the GMP requirements of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme (PIC / S), EU directives and WHO recommendations for the production and quality control in respect of products intended for trade and distribution in the country of origin or for export.